Wednesday 21 November 2012

Ty Hapus History Group - Rose Queen presentation

The Ty Hapus History Group are pleased to welcome Barbara Lawson Reay from Llandudno History Society at Ty Hapus Community Resource Centre on Monday 26th November at 2pm to present the story of the Llandudno Rose Queens.

The session is open to anyone from the community who is interested in these celebrations through the decades or has memories to share.  The group aim to hold a charity Rose event at Ty Hapus for children in the local community in June 2013.
To book your place please phone Jayne on 01492 338914 

Thursday 1 November 2012

Day Four cont.

Hi I am maddy and I am 9. My favorite part was when we went to the park and when we went to the fossil pit.We found loads of fossils and we all had lots of fun. Jayne Mary and Ffion were there to look after us.all saw sheep on the way to the orme.In the after noon we had some lunch.

Day Four

Hi I am Bonnie and I am 7 years old. On monday we went to the orme to find facts. On tuesday we started doing some paintings. On wednesday we started on the big boards. Now we are finshing the boards.